Thursday, 16 June 2016

1. Did you know that the Apple Company established April Fools (Fools Day), the day was in 1976.

2. Apple's first logo was a picture of Newton. Not only Apple Newton was the name of a product. The properties of this product before Apple's iPhone was rendered. But as soon as Jobs, the Apple iPhone was abolished and the relationship of Newton.

3. Apple to work in every third man is Indian.

4. Apple company faced a slowdown in its earliest stages. APPLE-I computer in 1976, the company had received some orders, they do not have to meet the near and not Vojniek Jobs (Apple's partner) have had the money to complete the order. Jobs, and to cope with the recession began Vojniek sell their goods. Where Jobs was his favorite bench Volsvegn van.

5. Steve jobs was ousted in 1985, the company again in 1996 in the company
6. Apple's nearly 83,000 employees worldwide. Apple's headquarters staff earn $ 125,000 each year. Apple earns $ 300,000 every 1 minute.

7. If you want to buy the Part by Part of the iPhone in 1991, it cost $ 3.56 million.

8. Apple's apps are the most downloaded in the world. More than 25 billion apps from the Apple Store have been downloaded so far.

9. Apple CEO Tim Cook talk about another very famous. If you cook from Apple employees at 4.30 am, be prepared for incoming e-mail. Cook your own e-mail to every employee to give 4.30 am. Now this work is unique
apple company logo के लिए चित्र परिणाम

10 alone on the back of the Apple company Steve Jobs 25 years of age, had become a millionaire.

11. APPLE'S IPHONE recharged once a day when the power consumption of this will be $ 0.25 in a year. Apple smoke loss warranty apple facts

· Do not smoke near 12. Never Kyokin Apple Computers Warranty This makes it ends.

13. If you use iTunes, you already use Apple products for nuclear weapons not to have agreed.

14. Apple iPhone every time the ad is shown at 9:41.

15. iPod maker Philips and RealNetNetworks companies gave feedback before but they failed to see the potential.

16. Apple IPAD'S retina display is actually made by Samsung.

17. The world's largest technology company, one thing you might not know about the will. Apple's 61 percent is from business outside the US. Ie one-third of Apple's profit from the US, but other countries comes from.